• Japanese

Proterial Metals, Ltd. TOP > Corporate Profile
> Environmental Activities

Corporate profile

●Environmental Activities

To pass down a rich natural environment and society in which people shine

Environmental Policy (obtained ISO14001 certification)

  • ・We will provide high quality products that are environmentally friendly.
  • ・We will comply with legislation, rules, agreements, and voluntary standards related to the environment.
  • ・We will give priority to the environment in our local and global activities.
  • ・We will reduce waste by promoting resource conservation, energy conservation and recycling.
  • ・We will manage chemical substances appropriately and strive to prevent pollution.
  • ・We will strive to protect biodiversity.
  • ・We will set environmental goals, and review them on a regular basis.
  • ・We will strive to improve our environmental management system continuously.

Initiatives for Realizing a Sustainable Society

  • ・Reduction of environmental impact
  • ・We will strive to prevent global warming while aiming to realize resource-recycling and recycling-oriented society.

Provision of environmentally friendly products

We will ensure that the products we provide, including products for batteries and other metals for energy, are environmentally friendly.

Environmental Communication

We will disclose information about our PR activities and environmental information in our efforts to contribute to local communities (through activities to protect the local environment, volunteer activities, and other forms of activity)